1. Krav Maga Techniques
  2. Basic Techniques
  3. Ground fighting techniques

Ground Fighting Techniques

Learn about the basics of ground fighting techniques, including pinning, joint locks, and other moves used in Krav Maga.

Ground Fighting Techniques

Ground fighting techniques have been used for centuries to gain an edge in combat. Whether you are just learning self-defense, or you are a professional mixed martial artist, ground fighting techniques can give you an advantage over your opponent. From basic wrestling moves to submissions, these techniques can help you improve your performance and give you the edge in a fight. Krav Maga is a self-defense system developed by the Israeli military that incorporates ground fighting techniques.

It focuses on using simple and effective techniques to put an opponent on the ground quickly and decisively. The basic techniques taught in Krav Maga are designed to give practitioners an advantage in any ground fight. This article will provide an overview of the basic ground fighting techniques taught in Krav Maga and how they can be used to gain an edge in a fight. Ground fighting techniques are an essential part of Krav Maga. There are a variety of different techniques used in ground fighting, each of which can be used to gain an advantage in a fight.

Pinning techniques, joint locks, submission holds, and defending against strikes are all common examples of ground fighting techniques. Understanding the fundamentals of each technique is key to becoming a better fighter and staying safe.

Pinning Techniques

– Pinning techniques involve using your body weight to keep an opponent pinned to the ground. This can be used to maintain control over them and prevent them from escaping or attacking. Examples of pinning techniques include side control, mount, and guard.

Each of these techniques has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as being able to control an opponent’s movement while side controlling them or being able to strike while in mount. To best use a pinning technique, practice transitioning between them quickly and effectively. Additionally, be mindful of the amount of pressure being applied to an opponent while pinning them, as too much pressure can result in injury.

Joint Locks

– Joint locks involve manipulating an opponent’s joints in order to gain control over them. This can be done by applying pressure to a joint or locking it in place with your body weight.

Examples of joint locks include arm bars, shoulder locks, and leg locks. When attempting to apply a joint lock, make sure to use proper technique and leverage your body weight correctly. Additionally, when attempting a joint lock on an opponent who is actively resisting, make sure to be aware of their strength and flexibility as this will affect the effectiveness of the joint lock.

Submission Holds

– Submission holds involve using a combination of body positioning and joint manipulation to force an opponent to submit. Examples of submission holds include chokes, armbars, and leglocks.

When attempting a submission hold, it’s important to understand how to best apply the hold as well as how to transition between holds if needed. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of your opponent’s strength and flexibility as this will affect the effectiveness of the submission hold.

Defending Against Strikes

– Defending against strikes is an important part of ground fighting. Examples of defending against strikes include blocking, parrying, and trapping. When defending against strikes, it’s important to keep your body positioned correctly and remain aware of your opponent’s movements.

Additionally, it’s important to practice transitioning quickly between defensive techniques as this will help you stay safe and maintain control over your opponent. Ground fighting techniques can be effective if used properly. However, it’s important to remember that these techniques can be dangerous if not used correctly. It’s important to always warm up and cool down properly before and after practicing these techniques as this will help minimize the risk of injury. Additionally, it’s important to use protective gear such as gi pants or a rash guard when training as this will provide additional protection from injury.

Joint Locks

Joint locks are an essential part of ground fighting, and Krav Maga practitioners must understand how to use them.

Joint locks are techniques that involve manipulating the joints of an opponent so they can be controlled. Joint locks can be used to restrict mobility, cause pain, or even break bones if applied correctly. Krav Maga joint locks include wrist locks, ankle locks, shoulder locks, elbow locks, and more. Wrist locks involve manipulating the wrist to control an opponent's movements.

Ankle locks involve manipulating the ankle to control movement, and are often used to take down an opponent to the ground. Shoulder locks involve manipulating the shoulder joint in order to restrict mobility. Elbow locks involve manipulating the elbow joint to cause pain or limit movement. In order to execute these joint locks correctly, a Krav Maga practitioner must understand the anatomy of the joints and the technique required to apply the lock.

It is important to practice these techniques slowly and carefully with a partner in order to perfect the technique and ensure safety for both parties. Transitioning between different joint locks is also an important skill. For example, transitioning from a wrist lock to a shoulder lock can be a very effective combination. Transitioning between joint locks can help keep an opponent off-balance and make it more difficult for them to break free from the hold.

In addition to learning how to properly execute joint locks, it is important to understand how and when to use them in different scenarios. It is important to remember that joint locks are designed to be used as a last resort and should only be used when absolutely necessary. Knowing when and how to use joint locks can help a practitioner stay safe while still getting the best results.

Defending Against Strikes

Defending against strikes is an important part of ground fighting, and it is especially important in Krav Maga. When defending against strikes, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and the situation.

This means being prepared to defend yourself from any attack that might come your way. In Krav Maga, there are a few different methods used to defend against strikes, such as blocking and parrying. Blocking is the use of your arms or hands to stop an attack from reaching its target. Parrying is the use of footwork and body positioning to avoid an attack. Both methods require technique and timing in order to be effective. To execute each technique correctly, it is important to be aware of the environment and the type of attack coming your way.

For blocking, it is important to position your arms or hands in the path of the attack so that it cannot reach its target. For parrying, it is important to stay light on your feet and use body positioning to avoid being hit. It is also important to know how to transition between different techniques. This means being aware of when one technique may not be effective and moving onto another one.

An example would be if you are defending against a punch and you successfully block it, you should then move onto a parry or another technique to avoid being hit by any follow-up strikes. When defending against strikes in Krav Maga, there are a few tips that can help you do so effectively in different scenarios. First, it is important to stay calm and focused. This will help you react quickly and make the right decisions.

Second, practice your technique regularly so that you can be prepared for any situation. Third, be aware of your surroundings so that you can anticipate any potential threats. Finally, do not forget to protect your head at all times.

Pinning Techniques

Pinning is an essential part of ground fighting, as it involves controlling and limiting the movement of an opponent. It is important to understand the principles of pinning techniques in order to become a better fighter and stay safe.

In Krav Maga, there are several types of pinning techniques that can be used. These include arm locks, shoulder pins, and other holds that involve controlling the movement of the opponent’s arms or legs. When executing a pinning technique, it is important to ensure that you maintain control of the opponent at all times. This can be done by using body weight and leverage to control the opponent’s movements.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that you keep your body in a stable position in order to maximize your control over the opponent. It is also important to practice transitioning between pinning techniques in order to maintain control of the opponent. For example, if you are using an arm lock, you can transition to a shoulder pin by bringing your body weight onto the opponent’s shoulder. This will help to keep them in a pinned position and will make it difficult for them to escape.

When using pinning techniques in a fight, it is important to remember to use them judiciously and strategically. For example, you should only use them when necessary to maintain control over the opponent. Additionally, you should also be aware of the different types of submissions that can be used in ground fighting, as these can be used to your advantage if you can take control of the situation. Pinning techniques are an essential part of Krav Maga and can help you become a better fighter and stay safe.

By understanding the principles behind these techniques and practicing transitioning between them, you can become more adept at controlling your opponent on the ground.

Submission Holds

Submission holds are an important part of ground fighting and Krav Maga. These techniques involve putting your opponent in a position where they are unable to escape and must submit. In Krav Maga, the most common submission holds are arm bars, leg locks, and chokes. An arm bar is a type of joint lock that hyperextends the elbow joint, causing severe pain and forcing the opponent to submit.

It is usually used as a submission hold, but can also be used to control an opponent on the ground. To execute an arm bar correctly, you must first get into a position where you can isolate one of your opponent's arms. Then, you must apply pressure to the elbow joint by pushing it in the opposite direction of its normal range of motion. Leg locks are another type of submission hold used in Krav Maga.

These techniques involve applying pressure to the knee or ankle joints in order to force an opponent to submit. Leg locks can be used in various positions on the ground, such as from the guard or side control. To execute a leg lock correctly, you must first isolate one of your opponent's legs and then apply pressure to the knee or ankle joint. Chokes are another type of submission hold used in Krav Maga.

These techniques involve restricting the flow of oxygen to the brain, causing unconsciousness if applied correctly. Chokes can be applied from various positions on the ground, such as from the guard or mount position. To execute a choke correctly, you must first isolate one of your opponent's arms and then apply pressure to their neck using your arm or leg. It is important to understand how to transition between different submission holds in order to stay safe and effectively defend yourself on the ground.

For example, if your opponent is trying to escape an arm bar, you can quickly transition into a leg lock or choke in order to maintain control. Additionally, it is important to understand how to use submission holds effectively in different scenarios. For instance, if your opponent is trying to punch you while you are on the ground, you can use a choke or arm bar to control them and prevent them from striking you. To become a better fighter and stay safe on the ground, it is essential that you understand the fundamentals of ground fighting and submission holds. By learning and mastering these techniques, you will be able to defend yourself against strikes and submissions while on the ground. Ground fighting techniques are an essential part of Krav Maga.

Through learning the basics such as pinning, joint locks, submission holds, and defending against strikes, practitioners can become better fighters and stay safe. Practicing these techniques safely and consistently is key to mastering them. While this article has explored the basics, there is much more to learn about ground fighting techniques. Those looking to take their skills to the next level should continue to learn more advanced techniques.

Master GuanLong Ong
Master GuanLong Ong

Guan Long is an experienced and certified Krav Maga trainer with a wealth of expertise in training Singapore Government agencies and private Clients. Krav Maga's philosophy revolves around efficiency, speed, and the optimal use of force. It emphasizes the importance of reacting swiftly while maintaining economic movements. By choosing Krav Maga, you not only gain a comprehensive self-defence system but also become your own first and last line of defence. Master Guan Long's guidance and expertise, you can enhance your fitness and well-being while acquiring invaluable self-defence knowledge.Address: 11 Hongkong Street (Level 5), Singapore 059654Telephine: (+65) 8127 8268